Warehouse services
RICHFIELD Group of companies offers storage of bulk and liquid mineral fertilizers in a warehouse complexes in Cherkasy and Uman, which can hold up to 7,000 tons of products at the same time.
The complexes are located in the industrial parts of the cities with convenient access roads. The territory has an access to the two railway tracks, which makes it possible to simultaneously accept up to 20 wagons in compliance with all established standards.
All products are placed on pallets on open paved areas and covered with PVC awnings, which protect mineral fertilizers from precipitation and exposure to sunlight
The warehouse equipment available provides a full range of loading and unloading operations of railway cars and any road transport. It is equipped with a weighing system that allows weighing trucks weighing up to 80 tons and up to 22 meters in length.
The warehouse is equipped with video surveillance and 24-hour security.