• Ammonium nitrate (prod. Gemlik, Turkey) own import - UAH 17,000/ton
  • Ammonium nitrate (prod. Ukraine) - 18,000 UAH/ton
  • Ammonium nitrate (prod. Poland) - specify the price
  • Ammonia tech. water (prod. Ukraine) - UAH 8,500/ton
  • DAP 18-46 (prod. Turkey) - 36800 UAH/ton
  • Urea (prod. Ukraine) - 21,600 UAH/ton
  • Urea (prod. Turkmenistan) - 20,000 UAH/ton
  • KAS-32 (prod. Ukraine) - 16,500 UAH/ton
  • Ammonium sulfate granule (prod. China) - UAH 14,300/ton
  • Potassium chloride (prod. Jordan) - UAH 20,400/ton
  • NPK 10-26-26 (prod. Ukraine) - 31,000 UAH/ton
  • Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers NPK 10-26-26 (prod. Latvia) - 758 eur/ton
  • Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers NPK 7-20-30 (prod. Latvia) - specify the price
  • NPK 15-15-15+10s (prod. Ukraine) - UAH 22,500/ton
  • NPK 8-20-30 (prod. Luvena/Poland) - 708 eur/ton
  • PK 23-23 (prod. Netherlands) - 31000 UAH/tonne
  • Sodium thiosulfate Na2S2O3 (prod. Ukraine) - 21000 UAH/ton
  • AdBlue (prod. Ukraine) - 13050 UAH/ton


  • Ammonium nitrate (prod. Ukraine) - 18000 UAH/ton
  • Ammonia tech. water (prod. Ukraine) - UAH 8,500/ton
  • Urea (prod. Ukraine) - 20700 UAH/ton
  • CAS-32 (prod. Ukraine) - 16500 UAH/ton

Euro exchange rate: 45.9 UAH

Products are available in warehouse:

  • Cherkasy, Cherkasy region
  • Uman, Cherkasy region
  • Poltava, Poltava region
  • Lutsk, Volyn region
  • Derenivka , Terebovlya district, Ternopil region
  • Brailiv , Zhmerynskyi district, Vinnytsia region
  • Nova Lubomyrka, Rivne district, Rivne region
  • Lyuboml', Kovel district, Volyn region
  • Popilnia , Popilnia district, Zhytomyr region
  • Radekhiv, Radekhiv district, Lviv region


Payment upon loading in the warehouse or delivery to the farm.

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If you have any questions - call or write

+380674700365 (Viber, Telegram)


Date of publication: October 09, 2024.

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